Here are a few photos from a project I did while in BC two years ago. MudGirls.
This was a house that was secretly being built by the a few groups of people over a few years. When I hooked up with them I expected to be standing on the side just taking photographs but over the four days I spent with this workshop I found myself jumping right in. My camera ended up taking quite a mudbath on a few occasions.
Here are a few photos from the few days I spent there. There are more to come.
This was a house that was secretly being built by the a few groups of people over a few years. When I hooked up with them I expected to be standing on the side just taking photographs but over the four days I spent with this workshop I found myself jumping right in. My camera ended up taking quite a mudbath on a few occasions.
Here are a few photos from the few days I spent there. There are more to come.
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