Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Home in Dubai.

Well that simply was not going to happen.

life has a funny way of getting EXTREMELY busy very quickly.

Two visits from two extremely important people from two far away places and a weeks worth of work later and here I am.

Without the MUDGIRLS photos. Instead I bring you some things from Dubai.

I went to Dubai this January with a group of stilters. We were working at the Dubai Shopping Festival.

It was a very interesting experience. Living in a large hotel filled with dancers, stilters etc for a month? What more could one ask for?

Here is the first of several Dubai updates to come.... 

This is what I called home for one month.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Here are a few photos from a project I did while in BC two years ago. MudGirls.

This was a house that was secretly being built by the a few groups of people over a few years. When I hooked up with them I expected to be standing on the side just taking photographs but over the four days I spent with this workshop I found myself jumping right in. My camera ended up taking quite a mudbath on a few occasions.

Here are a few photos from the few days I spent there. There are more to come.
