Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Montreal Tables.

I posted some photographs of a Table one of my Moms had made about a year ago. She has since designed and built quite a few more.

The wood is soft to the touch and is recycled from renovations she has done while living in Montreal.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Recently I have been working for Cmart, the company that sent me to Dubai, quite a lot. The most recent gig that I have done with them was also with Vanita another of the Dubai crew. We were put into these crazy mirrored costumes and we got work alongside other performers who did crazy things like, aerial acrobatics above the crowd attached to a giant helium balloon.

This was all at Illuminite in Younge and Dundas square.

Vanita is the MirrorWoman with the ponytail and I am the one with the shaggy long locks. My little sister Luna squeeked into the left hand side of the first photograph. 

All together one of the scariest and most rewarding gigs to date.

Ezri Dax

I recently got myself a Kitten from a cattery in Iowa.

My friend Kevin was on his way back from Burningman and I asked him to pick up Ezri formerly known as MOOP, Matter Out Of Place. She has been an absolute delight and I am so grateful to have her. While mulling through different names I decided that I wanted to name her after Jadzia Dax who is easily my favourite female character in Startrek. However Jadzia did not seem to work so I went through the other Dax's and landed on Ezri. She is such a strong little munchkin and I felt that it was only right that she get the opportunity to be named after someone from the Dax linage.

Her favourite sleeping spot is next to my mouse pad on my desk. This way she can get lots of attention while I edit photographs or putter around online.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

This is how I feel

Toronto, Feb of 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Home in Dubai.

Well that simply was not going to happen.

life has a funny way of getting EXTREMELY busy very quickly.

Two visits from two extremely important people from two far away places and a weeks worth of work later and here I am.

Without the MUDGIRLS photos. Instead I bring you some things from Dubai.

I went to Dubai this January with a group of stilters. We were working at the Dubai Shopping Festival.

It was a very interesting experience. Living in a large hotel filled with dancers, stilters etc for a month? What more could one ask for?

Here is the first of several Dubai updates to come.... 

This is what I called home for one month.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Here are a few photos from a project I did while in BC two years ago. MudGirls.

This was a house that was secretly being built by the a few groups of people over a few years. When I hooked up with them I expected to be standing on the side just taking photographs but over the four days I spent with this workshop I found myself jumping right in. My camera ended up taking quite a mudbath on a few occasions.

Here are a few photos from the few days I spent there. There are more to come.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Two summers ago sitting on Daniels roof with Cj.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I had a beautiful day on Toronto Island. This was Natelie's first trip to the island and we explored as much as our feet could handle. We then went to my sister Nina's house to meet my niece and take a few quick snaps of her squishy, bubbly, laughing self.  

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

25 candles.

So if you know me personally you will realize that these photos are coming out in less than perfect order....

These ones are from January of last year.

This was all about taking some fun photographs of my friends on my birthday.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sitting down to Dinner.

My mom Kari has been making really cool furniture recently.

Here are a few photos of a beautiful table she made this last winter.

Escaping the dark.

This is how I feel.....

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Journey to the centre of the earth.

I've gone through about 60% of the folders on my computer to find every possible blog update I could have.

These are a few shots from my first trip to Burningman in 2009.


Mountain of photos.

As a terrible Blogger I have neglected this blog for quite some time... February of 2012? YIKES!!
And with that... This is how I feel right now... Sooo many photos to edit/post.