Thursday, December 2, 2010

I borrowed the schools broken 5D mark II this weekend and it worked a BIT but not very much. I had hoped that testing it out would help me decide if I wanted to fork over the money to get my own. I wasn't convinced but thats only because of the fact that the screen kept flashing 'ERROR 30' and refused to let me take more then half of the photographs I wanted to to top that off it wouldn't let me do any video.

Here are some photographs I took with it this morning while running to the bus and after I got to the stop.

I had one minute till the bus was scheduled to arrive and I realized I left something at home so I ran home between this and the next photograph.

I will always be jealous of your big beautiful eyes Natelie. You have some of the most incredible eyes.

Obviously Natelie took this one of Me.

Also. ^^^ This is how I feel.

I'm not 100% sure why the lens was vignetting but it was.
Fun fun fun.

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